Thor Odinson's Impact On Captain America

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Steve or “Steven” Rogers was known as Captain America. Before he was known as he is now, he was a small and tiny boy wanting to fight in the war but got rejected because of his frailty and sickness. General Chester Phillips offered Steve Rogers the opportunity to take part in a top-secret enhancing experiment. After the test, he was given the super-soldier-serum which totally changed his body from small and weak to one of the most powerful soldiers and the biggest hero known as Captain America. On the other hand, Thor Odinson was born the Asgardian God of Thunder and protector of the human race. He is incredibly strong and has a powerful hammer, also known as the Asgardian Warhammer Mjolnir. What would happen if these two superheroes were pitted against each other? Who would win the conquest? With no doubt about it, Thor would …show more content…

Everyone who thinks he would win imagines that he could just take his hammer like that and have all the power and be a God himself. To be honest it wouldn’t work that easily. Lets just say he did take Thor’s hammer, Captain America wouldn’t know how to use it right then. Also, Thor is worthy of his own hammer so he would be able to take it right back. Also like the text says, “Thor can fly to the sun in a matter of minutes” (Thor 1). Captain America would never be able to catch up to Thor because he moves as fast as light, and never get his hammer. If you use evidence from the movie, Captain America wasn’t able to pick up Thor’s hammer. If he isn’t able to pick up Thor’s hammer, Thor could throw his hammer at him and trap his leg or hand in just as he did to the hulk, using his nature powers create “Giant raging storms complete with thunder, hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, blizzards, tidal waves, exploding volcanoes, earthquakes and torrential rains across entire planets at a moment’s notice” (Thor 2). Thor would hammer him just like a little nail in the wall and destroy Captain

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