Things Fall Apart

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In every culture there are universals, these are the building blocks to the foundation of a society. Universals dictate how the people who live in the culture interact with one another. Things Fall Apart is set in Umuofia, Africa(now Nigeria) and makes observations on the cultural universals of the Igbo people which are much different from the Zulu people another african tribe who live in Zulu(now South Africa.) We can further understand other societies ways of life by making observations about these natives rituals, supernatural beliefs and gender roles within the society. In every different culture there are different rituals these can be events that the whole society takes place or just things people do religiously.The rituals in the Igbo …show more content…

In Umuofia it is believed that when a women has a child and it does not live past infancy that the child is a bad spirit that will be reborn over and over again until the stone in which it’s evil spirit get’s it power from is dug up and destroyed after that the child will live a long happy life (Achebe, 77.) The Zulu share a similar belief that all bad things that happen are caused by evil or offended spirits so if a mother were to lose her child before the child has grown past infancy it would be considered the work of a spirit.( The Umuofia people also commonly believed that a woman in the village is sometimes possessed by the Oracle and believe that she starts to prophesize about what will happen next in the village and will sometimes give demands for the villagers to fulfill “Once in a while Chielo was possessed by the spirit of her god and she began to prophesy.” (Achebe, 100.) In Zulu they have different beliefs, they do not believe that spirits are so involved in their everyday lives and they do not communicate with these

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