Things Fall Apart Byronic Hero Quotes

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“The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power” (Unknown). In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, a novel, Okonkwo lets his past determine his future and control his life. Okonkwo tries to avoid being like his father and therefore it rules his life and does not let him enjoy life. Okonkwo’s motivations and development of his character and his society all suggest that he is a Byronic hero. Okonkwo's social dominance is shown when he thinks he rules his wives because of their gender. In the handout “Byronic Hero” it states “Social and Sexual Dominance” (Byronic Hero) as a characteristic of a byronic hero. In the novel Things Fall Apart it states “...ran madly into his room for the loaded gun, ran out again and aimed it at her… He pressed the trigger… He threw down the gun and jumped into the barn, and there lay the woman, very much shaken and frightened but quite unhurt” (page 33). This quotation from chapter five demonstrates how Okonkwo thinks he’s better than the female gender. In this quote Okonkwo shooting a female because she made him feel inferior. Okonkwo does not tolerate this and uses violence as a defence mechanism. This trait is demonstrated by Okonkwo shooting at …show more content…

In the article it states “He is usually isolated from society as a wanderer or is in exile of some kind” (Characteristics). In the novel it states “The only course open to Okonkwo and was to flee from the clan… He could return in seven years” (page 110). This quotation from chapter thirteen demonstrates Okonkwo being an exile when he is literally exiled. Okonkwo falls under the category of exile because he did something very wrong and commit a crime against earth goddess therefore was exiled. this trait is demonstrated by Okonkwo acting against what is allowed and his society. His act against the earth goddess caused him to be an exile figuratively and literally. In conclusion Okonkwo is shown as an exile when he is

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