Thesis For Malcolm X Assassination

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“If you’re not ready to die for it, put the word ‘freedom’ out of your vocabulary.”—
Malcolm X
Malcolm X assassination was unjust because he was killed for money and power, and for telling the truth about islam however many people believed he was a racist.
Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925 as Malcolm Little. When Malcolm was 28 years old,he joined the NOI (Nation of Islam). He became a minister and a national spokesman for the NOI and he was a devoted follower of the NOI leader Elijah Muhammad, who taught that white society actively worked to keep African-Americans from empowering themselves and achieving political, economic and social success. Malcolm X changed his name from Little to X to signify his lost tribal names. His charisma and …show more content…

Malcolm lost faith in Elijah Muhammad when he learned that the leader was secretly having relations with many women within the NOI organization, “Biography.” Malcolm X, 10 Feb. 2015 states “ some of those relationships resulted in children. Malcolm considered Elijah as a prophet but was deeply hurt when he found out and he left the organization in 1964 because he felt that the organization was built on many lies. That put him in direct conflict with Muhammad and the NOI. Malcolm and his family received many death threats and assassination attempts. At age 39 February 21, 1965 Malcolm X was shot by three gunmen. X’s assassins were Talmadge Hayer, Norman 3x Butler, and Thomas 15x Johnson, were all convicted of first-degree murder in March 1966. These three men were all members of the NOI. Many people did believe he was a racist because Elijah Muhammad exploited many people including Malcolm to believe that white men were evil. In the article Greenspan, Jesse. “7 Things You May Not Know About Malcolm X.” it states “ In a far cry from traditional Islam, it also taught that whites were a race of “blue-eyed devils” created millenniums ago by an evil scientist.” After Malcolm came from mecca he seen that there were white muslims which shook him and changed his whole view of

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