Thesis For A Modest Proposal

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The Modest Essay In the excerpt “A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift makes a proposition to help the people of Britain and Ireland. The basis of the proposal was that the lower class people would sell their children, usually and preferably at the age of one. They would sell them to the people in the wealthy higher classes. You may ask why they would do such a thing; sell their beloved kid for money? That in itself is the proposal, for the lower classes to sell their kids to the wealthier people to eat of course. The idea is that the poor people would not have the money to raise the child and at the time there was a problem with overcrowding and famine occurring. So why not kill two birds with one stone and solve both those problems with one simple solution. …show more content…

Which can tell you that he was not too keen on the idea of having his name attached to the madness of this pitch? He knew that the reaction of the public wouldn’t be good, but maybe a little funny; it was kind of like a public experiment he wanted to see what would happen maybe even to just have a laugh. Although if Swift would have published that in our generation and not released it anonymously he would probably either be considered crazy or not taken seriously, and it would probably have been a way different outcome if he would have released it not anonymous he probably would’ve been killed. So what we can take from the fact that he knew the reaction of the public to this proposal would be bad and he published it anyway shows in my opinion how he obviously thought of this proposal and

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