There Will Come Soft Rains Essay

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“There Will Come Soft Rains” Ray Bradbury’s story, “There will come Soft Rains,” this story was first published in 1950 describing the future in the year 2026. The story describes 2026 to be a time of machines and less human effort. No one was moving, only machines doing all of the work. This time period describes advanced technology, war, and destructive fire. The house in the story is the only house left standing in the city. The author describes the sky as “glowing with radiation that you could see for miles” (p.324), he is describing that a nuclear attack had happened. The nuclear fall out could be described as rain. The nuclear bomb that struck the city rained down fire, pain, destruction, and death. This type of rain does not resemble “ soft rains.” In the story we how this nuclear war has affected the residents and other life forms. …show more content…

For example, The dog in the story is found shivering and whining wanting to get away from the harsh outside elements. The dog goes in looking for humans, running around in a frenzy, trying to save it’s life. The dog’s eyes turned to fire, ran wildly in circles, then fell on the floor dead. The other effects of the bomb show that there is no other human life left in that city, showing why the dog was so frantic to find other life. At night, the last rain was the most destructive to the last house standing. The past resident, Mrs. McClellan, listens to poetry before she goes to bed. Since she is not alive anymore, the machine reads a poem. The poem that was read was a poem describing the absence of human life. Once the poem ended, the house began to die. The terrible rain of fire commenced due to a tree falling on the house damaging the electrical structure. The house tried to save itself with its fire fighting chemicals, but it was not enough. The house crumbled just like the rest of

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