Therapy Tape Assignment Analysis

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This therapy tape assignment proved to be distinctly more difficult to execute and capture in video form than the one I did last semester. While, I do feel confident in my ability to conduct a successful CBT session, I am also aware that we will not be observing this in my submitted therapy tape. There are several editing issues that take away from the natural flow of the mock session. I tried to offer empathetic and understanding responses to the material that Susan was bringing to the session. I tried to demonstrate a collaborative style of session and time management through asking for permission to interrupt her and getting feedback on the proposed intervention exercise. There is a lack of displayed confidence and professionalism in the …show more content…

Arguably the content and conceptualization was effectively addressed in my client profile and the script that I designed with my tape partner. However, I am aware that many of the required elements of CBT structure and interventions were done poorly or in an incomplete fashion. Through my attempts to address the homework, I accidental ended up working on two issues at once, thus mixing up the core beliefs we were supposed to be working on. Additionally, my use rating scales were disastrous. I tried to allude to a constant, overall rating of anxiety that we had used each session to monitor movement in her anxiety ratings. I believe this worked adequately and gave me the ability to address the subjectivity of experienced levels of anxiety. No other rating scale worked well; primarily because I never got follow-up ratings. The only report that I would have in that session to suggest it was helpful in anyway is Susan’s feedback at the end that the imagery technique worked. There was abysmal follow through on automatic thoughts and I became preoccupied with identifying the core belief addressed in the session which is something I know full well would be inappropriate in a real CBT session. There was also no writing are tangible evidence of what we did in the session, which entirely uncharacteristic of CBT. There are coping cards alluded to in the tape but, in hindsight, they should have been displayed in the

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