Themes Of Literature: The Theme Of Death In Literature

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Death can really be a turning point in literature; it can either be a positive look or negative. Sometimes the main character of the work looks upon death as a person being free from hardships or suffering. Other times, death is looked as if the person dying was the only person they had in their life and now there grieving from it. A death caused in literature is very powerful and can have lots of meaning behind it. The theme of death in the works, “Do not Go Gentle Into that Good Night’, “Daddy”, and “Death be Not Proud” all have a very positive messages and takes on the fear of death to whole new level. From the first work, “Do not Go Gentle Into that Good Night”, by Dylan Thomas, death is really expressed on how it should be perceived. …show more content…

This piece of work showed the reader how death was dealt with right from the first line. “ Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so;” In this first opening line of the poem the speaker is taunting death as if it were an object and saying its not so scary as much as people think of it to be. In reality this is how we all should look at life and death. Everything that lives is going to die some day and we should take in that fact. The speaker also says another powerful quote against death. “Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate man, And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell”. The speaker is referring to some of the ways death is caused and saying that death is cowardly. Death depends on fate when a person’s time comes to die. Death has its chance, which may be caused by accident. Kings can also cause death by killing innocent villagers. A desperate man who may not want to live anymore can cause death, which is referred to as suicide. Death has been dealt with in many circumstances in this piece of work and it clearly explains that we should not be afraid of death because it is just an act of “one short

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