Theme Of Superego In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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The mind is possibly the most complex part of humans. Scientists can understand how bones and organs work after careful examination. However, the human mind isn 't exactly a physical thing. Many famous psychologists have created multiple theories on how they believe the mind works. One famous psychologist, Dr. Sigmund Freud, created the theory of the Id, Ego and Superego. This is part of the five theories in his overall theory of the personality. His theory can be best viewed in One Flew over the Cuckoo 's Nest. The novel is about rebelling against authority and prominently displays theme of individualism versus conformity. A man named R. P. McMurphy is admitted into a mental ward led by matriarch, Nurse Ratched. Ratched runs her ward in a way that not only follows the laws of society but, also emasculates the men in this ward. Thus, McMurphy challenges Ratched 's dictatorship in order to free the …show more content…

The superego represents one 's conscious. The superego goes by the moral and ethical laws implemented by society. Ratched is the matriarch of the ward. She runs it with an iron fist and expects all laws and policies to be followed. Much like their counterparts, Ratched and McMurphy have a constant power struggle ever since the day that he was admitted due to their contradicting beliefs and values. In the novel, the audience first witnesses this clash when he states, "...everyone...must follow the rules...ya know-that is the ex-act thing somebody always tells me about the rules...when they figure I 'm about to do the dead opposite." (Kesey 25-26) In this part of the novel, the first sign of a power struggle is evident. Ratched doesn 't believe in special treatment and expects all patients to adhere to her rules. She represents exactly what she imposes in her ward, which is order. Meanwhile, McMurphy constantly rebels against the morals and rules of society in favor of his own desires and

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