Theme Of Simon In Lord Of The Flies

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Through the use of Simon, Golding is able to depict a Christ-like figure through pages 55-57 by showing how Simon helps the littluns and through the three stages he experiences as he travels through the jungle. Simon is first depicted as a Christ-like figure when he helps the littluns get the fruit they can not reach. “[The littluns] talk, [cry] out unintelligibly, [lug Simon] towards the trees. Then...Simon [finds] for them the fruit they [can] not reach, [pulls] off the choicest from up in the foliage, [and passes] them back to the endless, outstretched hands [of the littluns]”(56 Golding). In the bible, they reference people as sinners who cannot ever achieve holiness without the help of Jesus Christ. The littluns represent the …show more content…

In the beginning, Simon walks through a trail where “flowers and fruit grew...and everywhere was the scent of ripeness and the blooming of a million bees in the afternoon sunlight”(56 Golding). This represents Heaven, which is where God began. In Christianity, there is an idea called the Trinity where God, Jesus(Christ), and the Holy Spirit are all one being. Since God has always been in Heaven, this means that Christ did start in Heaven. When Simon walks through this beautiful part of the jungle, it represents the beauty of heaven depicted in the bible. The second stage Simon goes through is the dark, vile part of the jungle where “[the] sunshine [falls]…[and] little plants and ferns [grow]”(56 Golding). This scenery represents Hell. The Apostles Creed recites that Christ “[descended] into hell”(Apostles’ Creed). Simon walking from the beautiful path to the dark path represents the shift from Heaven to Hell. Lastly, Simon goes back where “candle-buds opened their wide white flowers glimmering under the light that pricked down from the first stars”(57 Golding). This recreates the first scenery with the delicate plants. This represents the next part of the Apostles Creed where Jesus “rose again from the dead [and] ascended into Heaven”(Apostles’ Creed). When Simon sees the beautiful flowers blooming, this represents Christ’s return to

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