Theme Of Royalty And Authority In Hamlet

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The Tragedy of Hamlet is one of the most confounding works ever written in the English language. William Shakespeare wrote in many different nuances within this play. There are multiple perspectives to analyze Hamlet from. There is death, mental illness, revenge, and a catastrophic ending to the play. The purpose of this assignment is to argue, that The Tragedy of Hamlet shows that Royalty and authority, may seem righteous on the surface; but in fact is very ambiguous. Power held within families can destroy the family from within. This is a work of dramatic fiction that displays the darker facets of human behavior. Death, revenge, murder and suicide are major themes in this play. The presence of death embarked in act one. The Ghost appears before two characters, Barnardo and Francisco. They were unaware that the spirit is the old King. The spirit of the old King, is haunting the characters throughout the entire play. Hamlet is the only person that communicates with the ghost directly. The King is searching for rest and peace in purgatory. “ I am thy father’s spirit, Doom’d for certain term to walk the night, And for the day co’fin'd to fast in fires, Till …show more content…

This was a very cunning act that presented pressure on his Mother and his Uncle. Hamlet used a work of fiction to have some clarity of the truth of his Father’s death. Hamlet was disgusted with his Mother’s actions; to the contrary he still did not will to fully harm his Mother, and was unsure how to handle the traumatic event. “ The soul of Nero enters this firm bosom; Let me be cruel, not unnatural. I will speak daggers to her, but use none. My tongue and soul in this be hypocrites: How in my words somever she shent, To give them seals never my soul consent.” (Hamlet 3.2.378-381) Hamlet did not wish to go as far as murder his own Mother; although the justification of murdering his Uncle would restore

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