Theme Of Revenge In Trifles

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A Woman’s Revenge The play “Trifles,” by Susan Glaspell, written in 1916 is based on a real life murder that Glaspell came across as a young reporter. Inspired by her observations, she was able to turn the tragic event into a one-act play which involved a farmer named John Wright, who was strangled by the neck in bed. The main suspect is assumed to be his wife (Minnie Foster), who is placed in jail and does not appear on the scene. Instead two female characters, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, become the voice for Mrs. Wright throughout the play. A division is displayed amongst the genders within this play, and the setting and character roles are used to it point out. “Trifles,” by Glaspell uses irony and symbolism to uncover the importance of female identity versus the law by allowing the two women and Minnie Foster to seek revenge over male authority. As the play opens, the readers are given a sense of separation between the genders, which brings about irony. The women …show more content…

Henderson dismisses all of the women’s discussions. As the women try to figure out if Minnie would actually do it and why, they began to discuss Mr. and Mrs. Wright’s marriage, whereas the County Attorney kept saying “I’d like to talk more of that a little later” (323). The attorney has belittled the women again by disregarding their thoughts completely. This displays irony as well because Mr. Wright’s wife is the number one suspect for the murder, and the County Attorney is dismissing all conversations about the couple’s relationship. The women also discover the quilt and its square pattern that was out of whack. The men made a joke about “whether to quilt it or knot it” (Glaspell 329). Here the men view the quilt as something little that the women are taking up time with. Although the men laugh, the women look abashed because they did not think anything was funny. By this time the women have had it with the men poking fun at their role in society and the

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