Theme Of Poverty In A Christmas Carol

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Timeless themes are generalizations about life or the human experience that endures changes in time or place. Audiences understand timeless themes, no matter how old or recent the text, because timeless themes are universally accepted as themes that connect to the very essence of what makes us human. A timeless theme that has been seen throughout the years is the theme of poverty. Throughout humankind’s existence, many people throughout the ages have seen the wide gap between the rich and the poor and attempted to close the gap. The timeless theme of poverty is explored in the play, A Christmas Carol, the film, A Diva’s Christmas Carol and is still relevant today when looking at the issue of homelessness.

The theme of poverty is explored in …show more content…

A way the gap is seen in A Diva’s Christmas Carol is when Ebony is shown complaining at her luxurious, spacious five star hotel’s princess suite, while her crew stays in a cramped two star motel. The gap was also shown when Ebony bought an extra first-class plane ticket. Her crew was flying in the coach section. A Diva’s Christmas Carol was filmed in the 2000s. During that time, flights and hotels were very expensive. Schenkman shows how the rich can afford first class flights and lavish, comfortable hotels, while the middle class are happy with flying economy and staying in a basic hotel. Schenkman illustrates the gap between the rich and the poor by showing interactions between the wealthy Ebony and her middle class niece. After Ebony settles in her hotel, her niece visits Ebony and invites her to Christmas dinner. Ebony rejects the invitations, mocking the “box wine, frozen turkey dinner and store pies”. Instead, Ebony chooses to eat high quality room service. After being visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Yet To Come, Ebony changes her mind and joins her family for Christmas dinner. At the time of the film, “box wine, frozen turkey, and store pies” were expensive and a rare occasion for the middle class. Through these events, Schenkman shows the large rift …show more content…

After inspecting this play, this film and this issue, one can clearly understand the large gap between the rich and the poor and how people throughout history have tried to solve this issue. People all over the world are all able to relate to this age-old theme because timeless themes, such as poverty, comment on life and the human condition and can eclipse any changes in time or

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