Theme Of Nurture In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In the story Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Shelley uses obsession, nurture, and nature as a theme for the good and also the bad things occurring throughout the story. The “monster” who is thought to be the evil one through the story is thought otherwise when Victor is the father figure who did not care for the monster when it was little.
Mary Shelley was an English novelist who was born in Somers Town, London on August 30th, 1797 (Scribner, 466). Shelley's mother had died just a couple of days after her birth so Mary never actually got to meet her mother but instead she was forced to live with her father and his wife. Shelley is well known for her novel Frankenstein. Which was about a young man that had seen a monster, the monster was basically …show more content…

The monster really is not a monster but rather a victim. The true monster of the story is Victor because he creates monster just because he is just obsessed with them and can’t stay away from creating new creatures (Shelley, 411). Victor did not nurture the monster when it was little so it grew up in it’s own path doing things that parents should be teaching their little ones the monster was never loved. Maybe that is how Mary Shelley felt since her mother had died and no one had took care of her besides her dad. She related the book to her personal life and her dad try to create another monster or have another baby with her step mother but then if he did he would not take care of her. The monster would of had to learn to grow on its own and that is very difficult without getting a little help. Every kid needs to be nurture in their life it is not optional. Because what if the monster was really taken care of by Victor its whole life. The story would turn out different and the real monster of the story would be the creature because Victor would have led the monster on the right path of life but then the monster would just take a wrong turn and just murder innocent lives throughout the …show more content…

For example, early on in the book Shelley was describing the mountains and the river calmly running through the rocks that symbolize peace in the story no killing had occur and everyone was just doing fine minding their own business. Also another example is when she went to her home in Belrive on lake Geneva when everyone was asleep she went out to the lake on her boat and had “passed many hours upon the water” (Shelley, 60). She was basically saying it was very quiet and soothing and she had enjoy the moment at that moment in time because as soon as she got out there into the water she just fell asleep.. Another example of nature is when Mary describe the life of Victor when he was little “I feel pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood . . . it became the torrent which, in its course, has swept away all my hopes and joys.” (Shelley, 21). By Shelley saying this I thought that it had significant meaning because she was basically talking about the childhood that Victor once had and as soon as the monster had enter his life all he wanted to do was create

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