Theme Of Love In Wuthering Heights

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In life many people are in search of true love, but in Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë "true love" can really be mistaken for false, society forced relationships. The story of the slightly egotistical Catherine, who desires Heathcliff, but needs to make sure she does not end up homeless beggar, and then Heathcliff, a dark sided loner, whose obsession of Catherine leads him to destructiveness and depression. They struggle to be together and in the end the cycle of life catches up to them.
Early on Brontë describes Catherine and Heathcliff’s love “She was too fond of Heathcliff. The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him: yet she got chided more than any of us on his account” (33). Love is a reoccurring theme and conflict throughout the novel. For Catherine and Heathcliff separation from each other was always the harshest punishment, their love was true, and they cared for each other as if they were family. However their love seems to thrive during times of drama and distress, which makes it questionable as to how their love would last under peaceful circumstances. Catherine and Heathcliff are soul mates that grew up together and do not have the social ability to get close to anyone other then each other. They do not have a romantic relationship because they are too young to experience love at a mature level. When Catherine is twelve she travels to Thrushcross Grange to become “proper”, while she is there she meets Edgar and at the age of fifteen the two become engaged. This is when Heathcliff runs away from Wuthering Heights, for he believes that Catherine and Edgar’s love is false. This accusation by Heathcliff is true, Catherine decides to marry Edgar based on the financial support he can...

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...s infuriating with rage. To express his hatred and disappointment for Edgar, Heathcliff uses a word like “puny” which means weak or small. Heathcliff believes that Edgar robbed Catherine of him and now the reality of the situation, combined with his jealousy is driving him to turmoil.
In the end, Heathcliff dies a slow lonely death; possibly he starved himself thinking that his heart is famished from the lack of Catherine so his body must suffer in the same way. We will never know the full ending but in can be interpreted in many ways. Heathcliff, Catherine, and Edgar are all buried next to each other, assumed to “rest in peace”, the irony in that itself, the three of them peacefully together at last, is chilling. It is unfortunate that Catherine and Heathcliff’s love thrived in dramatic fashion because the one time it has calmed down they are both six feet deep.

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