Theme Of Love In The Gift Of The Magi

685 Words2 Pages

Antoine Johnson
Professor Canon
English Comp I
12 APR 2013

True Love in “The Gift of the Magi”
Throughout life, true love and sacrifice go hand in hand. It can be a mother distorting her body to bring a new life into the world, or a dad giving his last five dollars to his child so she can eat lunch at school. Love does not exist without sacrifice. In “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry, the theme of love and sacrifice can be seen in both Della and Jim’s unselfish actions. With her it is the ambition to purchase the perfect gift by any means necessary; with him it is giving away a family heirloom. Their reaction to each other’s action shows what love is capable of.

Initially published in The New York Sunday World on December 10th, 1905 titled “Gifts of the Magi”, the story starts out will Della wanting to buy a gift for her husband Jim for Christmas but she only has $1.87. Once reality hits her about the current situation that she is in, she starts crying. Only when the narrator tells the history of the couple’s trials and tribulations does one truly understand that even though they are rich in love, they were actually poor. Not letting that stop her she sets out on a mission to find the perfect gift for her husband sacrificing her most valuable possession; her hair. Jim is on the very same mission also, sacrificing his watch to prove how much he loves her. The author of this short story, O. Henry (William Sydney Porter), was known for clever endings, great characterization, facetiousness, and ingenious choice if words.

One example of unconditional love and sacrifice is with Della. In Della’s situation, her sacrifice was for the love of her husband and the love she had for her hair. Della took pride in her hair; “Had the ...

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...nt; “I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs”. Not all sacrifices are about pain and heartache; sometimes they can be about acceptance and forgiveness.

The unconditional love that Jim and Della have for each other is proof that no matter what sacrifices stand in the way, the love they have for each other will make the sacrifice worth it. Jim sacrificed his watch for some combs to give to Della while she sacrificed her hair to buy Jim a chain for his watch. Love will make one perform the ultimate sacrifice to prove their compassion and loyalty; they had their most valuable possessions taken from them for the benefit to bring joy to each other. Even though the sacrifice was bitter sweet, the comprehension of the adoration they have towards each other makes the purpose behind O. Henry’s short story ”The Gift of the Magi” that much more understandable.

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