Theme Of Juno In The Aeneid

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With the addition of her deflection of the suitors long spears that may have eventually kill Odysseus, he and Athena goes on a killing spree annihilating all suitors. It is in this scene the reader gets a glimpse in how brutal she is in battle as Segal contends, "[h]er contemplated revenge is strikingly similar to the Cyclops ' murderous feasting" (514). Although Homer makes it a constant theme to inspire his heroes through pep talks with the gods to rekindle the hero 's spirit, actually Athena 's physical deflection of the long spears saves the day. Odysseus seeing this as an amazing act "[s]eeing his men untouched by the suitors ' flurry" (22.273) from the gods re-strengthen his sense of duty to win back his household. Eventually with her aid in the defeat of the suitors, Odysseus reclaims his household. Like Athena in The Odyssey, Juno too is the driving force behind the plot of The Aeneid, but in a different aspect as she portrays the antagonist who goes up against the hero. Although, she has no significance in The Odyssey, Virgil continued on Homer 's portrayal of the goddess as how she was in the Iliad: seeking out revenge and punishment. Her anger and hatred for the Trojans since the aftermath …show more content…

She has her messenger, Iris deviously manipulate the Trojan women while on Sicily to set fire upon the Trojan ships. This course of action can be classify as evil as a trait of Juno. Her multiple attempts in trying to delay Aeneas have failed and yet she wickedly tries her luck again. Ineffectively, the women do set fire to the ships, but with Aeneas ' prayer to Jupiter, he sends down a rainstorm to put out the flame. Her failed attempt to use a lesser deity to try to bring down Aeneas ' ships (1.77-83), her failed attempt to artificially produce love (4.112-129), and now her failed attempt to bring together women has fairly tarnished her success as a goddess

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