Theme Of Insanity In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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In One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey, insanity leads to power in the ward that the novel takes place. Mental illness often leads many people to lash out and give people a sense of power in the community. It leads them to make the wrong choices that get them into trouble because they feel they are doing what is right. Characters that go through mental issues are protagonists in the novel because we focus in on these characters and see how they develop and gain their power throughout the whole novel. The narrator of the novel is Chief Bromden. Chief suffers from hallucinations due to having multiple electroshock therapy treatments. Chief has been stuck in the hospital for nearly ten years, the longest of any patient in the ward. Chief …show more content…

While much of the confrontation is expressed between many of the patients who have disabilities, Nurse Ratched and her helpers have trouble controlling these patients because of their unpredictable behavior. “In One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the psychiatric ward and the outside world are poles apart. The opposition between madness and sanity can be interpreted metaphorically and can be related to the oppression of individuals in any social institution, as well as in society as a whole. Only a thin line is created between society and institution, between madness and sanity. The tension between scene and purpose is central in the course of the narrative. In the beginning the patients are represented as prisoners of the psychiatric institution, but it becomes clear that some reside there more or less voluntarily.” (Rutten 640). This quote shows that there was a difference between some of the patients. Many of the patients were manipulated enough to have no fight over their own control. They could not rebel against Nurse Ratched, but there were some patients that were sane enough to give their efforts in going against Nurse …show more content…

Randle McMurphy shows the advantages of having mental illness. His disability gives him the ability to feel more powerful than he really is. Gives him the sense of ability to not be brought down by rules and regulations the ward offers. It also gives him the ability to control the patients in the ward. Since McMurphy gives all the patients a sense of hope and a feeling of freedom, they often make their decisions based on his influence. While McMurphy has the ability to do this, all of the patients still have the side of shame and fear of Nurse Ratched. Many time’s while breaking the rules, Nurse Ratched will undermine the patients which sends these characters into a state of shock. When they are being put down it makes them feel worse and worse about themselves and they look to McMurphy for a sense of direction. Nurse Ratched has a hold over the ward like no other, and even Randle McMurphy’s cunning ways aren’t going to stop her from ruling over the ward with an iron

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