Conformity and Subjugation in 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

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When looking at conformity of gender roles in “The Yellow Wallpaper” you have to think, about what the female main character was going thru in this short story. As the husband and wife decide to rent a remote estate outside of normal suburban civilization; the female character seems to feel very uneasy about living inside of such a remote rural estate in the countryside in the middle of nowhere. The female character always obeys her husband as he is a physician and seems to always know what is best for his wife. The female character seems to know what is best for herself in the first place despite her husband being a medical physician with years and years of experience in his specific medical field. Just because her husband is a physician realistically does not make him the smartest most intelligent person in human existence; himself being a medical physician can make mistakes like any other person whether they are a janitor, or a politician, or lawyer does not matter in terms of not making mistakes in their lifetime. …show more content…

The narrator is confined to a large and prestigious estate in the backwoods of a rural area. She feels as if she is trapped like an agoraphobic spinster who has very little social life. Even though almost all elite upper class women of that time period were seen and acted like socialites, such as today’s wealthy new money upper class of high paid lawyers, doctors, financiers, and business executives. The tone of the short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” perceives a loving and respectful specialist physician John who even though is controlling and uptight; still has a great love and admiration of his wife thus her being actually physically ill makes him more likely to treat as if she is a toddler or very young

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