Theme Analysis of Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Theme Analysis of Their Eyes Were Watching God

Alice Walker depicts Zora Neale Hurston's work as providing the

African-American literary community with its prime symbol of "racial

health - a sense of black people as complete, complex, undiminished

human beings" (190). Appropriately, Hurston's Their Eyes Were

Watching God, published in 1937, provides an enlightening look at

the journey of one of these undiminished human beings, Janie

Crawford. Janie's story - based on principles of self-exploration,

self-empowerment, and self-liberation - details her loss and

subsequent attainment of her innocence, as she constantly learns

and grows from her difficult experiences with gender issues

and racism in Their Eyes Were Watching God.

After joyfully discovering an archetype for sensuality and love under

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