Thematic Essay On The Book Of Ruth

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Ruth, The Book of

The Book of Ruth is a Biblical Narrative based in the Sojourn, Moab and Bethlehem, Juhdah. This book takes place during a 12 year time span during the time of judges. (rainbow bible) This book is a testimony in the style of a Narrative that is often regarded today as a short story. The author of this book is uknown however it is believed because of tradition that Samuel authored the book some time between 1011 and 931 BC.(rainbow bible) The main personalities in the book are Naomi, a native isrealite that left during the famine with her husband and two sons to settle in Moab; Ruth, a Moabitess who married Naomi’s son Mahlon and was later widowed; Boaz, “Kinsman-redeemer” who redeemed Naomi by accepting Ruth as his wife.(Eastos’s ill… Holman Illus) The overarching theme of this book is that God rewards those who live obedient lives. Additional themes of this book include but are not limited to; great love may require sacrifice, genuine love and kindness will be justly rewarded, God is merciful and all walks of life can live according to …show more content…

(Rainbow bible) There are a few Major events occurring during this book; first there was a great famine in the land which is the event that drove Naomi and family our of Bethlehem, secondly the death of Elimelech, Maholon and Chilion, third the redemption of Ruth by Boaz and finally the birth of Obed

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