Theistic Argument Essay: Life After Death

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This week, the topic of discussion was life after death. The article and the videos that we were asked to read and watch were pretty interesting. It gave different versions of people’s beliefs on whether there is life after death or what occurs with a person’s soul after they die. Depending on the culture or religion of a person is what their beliefs are based off of. For me, it is not a question of religion or culture, I like to think that my beliefs are logical.
In this article, there was a section that stood out to me the most. It was the theistic argument. In it, it states that some people argue in regards to believing in God and life after death. If a person does not believe in life after death, then do they believe in God or should they believe in God? The article stated that if someone believes in life after death, then in essence, they should belief in God. Why is there always an argument on whether God exists or not? If someone believes in Him, then so be it. Who are we to judge anyone on what they believe in or not. This week’s topic made me sit back and really reflect on my own beliefs on the subject. When any member of the family is dying, or they are sick, they immediately turn to prayer and ask for God. These are family members who have never attended church or have ever prayed or mentioned …show more content…

It states that the idea of life after death is comforting to the person, it makes them feel at ease. It makes the transition of them dying, if they are on their death bed, a little bit better for them to accept. On the flip side of there being a comforting belief about life after death, there is the fear that comes with the afterlife. People start worrying about whether they will go to heaven or hell. The relief that believing in life after death becomes somewhat worrisome if they did not do everything that they needed to do to get them to the gates of

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