Their eyes were watching God Human right

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Women all around the world are given little to no freedom and equality This is something that has been happening for years, where women are made to submit complete and utter control of their lives to their peers especially men.Their eyes were watching God, showed how some women feel trapped and enslaved by those around them and this is true all over the world for women who face domestic violence and unjust everyday.
Janie the main character in the book Their eyes were watching God was first stripped of her right to marry who she pleases The Universal declaration of human rights states in article 16 that 'Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses'.
This is a right that applies to everyone, including the young Janie. But because Janie was a young girl she had no say in the matter, this is a discrimination of gender, which goes against human rights article 2 that states 'Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.' This was not fair for Janie and she was very upset thought out her marriage with the older man she was marrying.In the article Half of girls in South Sudan forced to marry, Lorna James Elia of the local Voices for Change advocacy group said, “Early marriages also will prevent South Sudan from achieving the goal of having women hold 25 percent of government jobs, said Lorna James Elia of the local Voices for Change advocacy group.” The article continues on to tell the story of a young girl who was bought by a man for 80 cows in Sudan. When she opposed she was beaten and s...

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...ntinue to do nothing about it until we realize that it's violating their rights as humans.
I'm not trying to say that men don't also have their human rights violated but this is about Janie and showing how her being women affected the way she was treated. It also shows that this is something that not only happens in books but all around the world.Like i said before women are given little to no freedom and if something isn't done this injustice will continue. Whats the point of having rights are broken for certain group of people?I hope this essay opens people's eyes to see that it's not only women's rights that are being violated but the human rights.Article 6 of the human rights says 'Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.' Therefore women should not only be looked at as women but also as human and should be treated accordingly.

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