The role of a school resource center and its collaboration

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The third role of the school resource center is to provide research opportunities for senior students. The library provides technology that is accessible to the students. They often use the technology to search for information. Library can provide research opportunities for the senior students when the teachers and librarians collaborate. Teachers will give any project or assignment to the senior students that require them to do a research. They must make sure that the questions given must make the students to go beyond searching simple answers. This will encourage the students to go to the library to find the related information. This can be done using the technology that enables them to access the computerized databases and search for the relevant research information. The librarians will assist the students in search strategies or information seeking skills by using the Boolean operators and truncation, using suitable keywords and controlled vocabulary when searching for information in the databases, using the thesaurus and more. Not only that, the librarians will also help them in answering their complex research questions, note taking, give suggestions of where to look and gather for the information that they need such as giving them a list of websites that are useful for their research, evaluating the information whether it is relevant, accurate or suitable, and how to organize their findings. Once they got the answers, they can apply them to their research project or assignment. This proves that the library provides research opportunities for the senior students through the availability of its resources and with the help of the librarians. Besides that, with this research opportunity, it will motivate the students and will ... ... middle of paper ... ...l. They work together to develop the skills of using the technology that are needed by the teachers. This is because they need to learn about technology and its uses that can be helpful and useful to the students and themselves. They must have at least the basic technology skills to apply them in their teaching, such as knowing how to navigate and use the computer, manage documents and files, use removable media, and able to use all the applications inside the computers like the Word or Power Point. This is essential for teachers because they need to incorporate technology in class. When they have the skills, they wouldn’t be nervous or afraid to use technology in class. This will reduce their anxiety and will make their teaching more fun. Therefore, the school resource center acts as a leader in providing instruction on the use of its resources and the technology.

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