The friends we have

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Muhammad Ali said, “Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.” Muhammad Ali makes it a point that we are able to learn from our friendships, and the people that we have around us on a daily basis. Although everyone is different, there are four main friend categories that we can divide the people around us into. These four main categories consist of best friends, close friends, acquaintances, and frenemies: all of the friend types play a different role in our everyday lives and they each can teach us different things about ourselves and others. A best friend is someone that we could trust our life with. The best friend is just one person among all other friends that has all qualifications of a 'friend' over any other one. A best friend will never leave our side and will always have our back through thick and thin. This friend is as close as they can be without actually being blood family. Throughout life we will go through many friends but a best friend is one that will always be there...

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