The age discrimination in the work place

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The fourth type of age discrimination in the workplace is unintentional age discrimination. Another name for unintentional age discrimination is “inadvertent ageism” (Anti-Ageism Taskforce, 2006). Unintentional age discrimination refers to the set of ideas, human attitudes, rules and regulation or workplace practices conducted in a workplace without knowing any biased towards older workers (Dennis & Thomas, 2006). In short we can say that unintentional ageism is practiced without the offender knowing the bias. Unintentional age discrimination is too complicated compared to intentional age discrimination. Because, the unintentional age discrimination is measured based on reasonable factors other than worker’s age. The federal anti-discrimination laws introduce unintentional age discrimination as “disparate impact” which is directly coming from facially- neutral work practices. In “disparate impact” case which is known as unintentional age discrimination, the plaintiff no need to prove that the firm purposely discriminated him or her. However, they must demonstrate that the challenged ...

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