The Young Elite Adelina Quotes

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In The Young Elites, written by Mari Lu, Adelina, a young girl who had the blood fever when she was younger, is sitting in a jail cell. She has been blamed for murdering her dad. Adelina flashes back to the night of her dad's death. People have always told her father that his two daughters were beautiful, but that has changed ever since Adelina had the blood fever. She rants about how he has cherished Violetta, Adelina’s sister, because Adelina had been influenced by the blood fever. Both Adelina and Violetta had the blood fever, but Violetta hadn’t been influenced badly by it.
Adelina has now run out of time. Kenettra's police come into her cell and lead her to where she is to be killed. There, a hateful crowd anticipates her death, by being burned at the stake. Before the flames start to burn her, Adelina utilizes her forces unknowingly, which made a swarm of locusts in the sky. As the insects distract the Inquisitors, an unknown figure, later to be known as Enzo, the leader and founder of the young elites, shows up on the stage and saves Adelina. Adelina is now getting ready with the Daggers, a group of young elites, in the cave. Enzo decides that her first important mission will be the assassination of Dante, the blacksmith’s associate, at Estenzia's …show more content…

No longer happy with her ridiculous acts, he tells her that if she does not bring him back important data about Violetta in 3 or so days, he will kill Violetta. Crushed, Adelina advances towards the Inquisition Axis Tower to try to get the Daggers to rebel against Teren who is at the royal residence killing the king. When Teren arrives, Adelina requests to see Violetta before she lets him know anything that she knows. She and Violetta end up together and they utilize both of their powers to escape. Adelina admits everything to the Daggers, including her coercive association with

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