The Yellow Slip: A Short Story

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1 The Yellow Slip I saw it in his hand, the yellow slip. He walked by my classroom, sort of bent over and pale so I could tell that he wasn’t faking it. And if he’s not faking it, then he’ll most likely go home, and if he goes home then I won't get to see him on the bus. Boy, I hated that yellow slip in his hand, I hated it more than I hated it more than I would have hated it if it were in my hand, and I really don’t like getting sick. I was so bummed out that I couldn’t focus on my paper, we were supposed to write a personal narrative about a time when we experienced a strong emotion, and I was drawing a blank. Now, I had to quit thinking about that and start thinking about the yellow slip that was in his hand. If I couldn’t see him on the …show more content…

“Okay, well I’ll fill out a nurses slip for and you can go see Mrs.Jones.” when he said the relief swept over me entirely, maybe I’d get away with …show more content…

I too was now holding a yellow slip and walking down to the nurse's office. I decided it was best if I sort of bent over too, I might have been taking this lying to the teacher thing a little too seriously. I entered the nurse’s office, and saw him laying down on one of the gray bed things that the nurse has in her room. “I’m not feeling too well.” I told Mrs.Jones as I walked up to her desk. “What’s wrong sweetie.” Mrs.Jones isn’t at all what you would expect a school nurse to be like, at my old school the nurse was old, and always cranky. But Mrs.Jones was young and really nice. My old school nurse also used to just have us lay down and have our parents pick us up, but Mrs.Jones doesn't do that, she actually gives us medicine and takes our temperature, but I new that I had to stay away from medicine, I heard that a guy took medicine when he didn’t need it and died. “My head and stomach hurt. I think I need to lay down for a little bit.”I explained to her. “Okay then, go lay down and I’ll get you some water and take your temperature” she told me. I laid down in the bed next to him. “Hi Amira.” he said to me. “Hi Alex,”I said “Are your parents on their way to come get

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