The Wives Of Bath Maturity Quotes

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In The Wives of Bath by Susan Swan, the concept of maturity has everything to do with the recognition of un-education, where in the novel, one can discover a young woman coming of age; Mouse Bradford, who, like all girls her age, just wants to be accepted and respected. She is a young girl who reaches maturity while touching upon the aspects of innocence, identity and sexual maturity. Maturity within the bounds of self-respect is the capacity to reflect, express and act your feelings. “The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations” and this is exactly what we see in Mouse.
In the development of personality, in order to find yourself, you must think of yourself. At the very beginning of the novel …show more content…

Clearly, the reader can comprehend that not only Mouse is growing up but she also shows signs of cleverness and understandings into the ways of the world and one can also understand that in every child there remains the adult that will be. Mouse is not mature because of her age, but for her understanding, behaviours and how she …show more content…

In the two following examples one can see how Mouse started off not wanting to grow up and at the end of the novel she slowly moved up the latter of becoming a woman. Maturity is a unpleasant disappointment, tolerance is the only method to make you greater, this is demonstrated when Mouse goes to the nurse and discusses her kyphosis with the nurse; Mouse says that kyphosis affects her development, and may lead to her never having her period. She heard “down the corridor,” which is a symbolism of growing up, “silly girls whispering like idiots.” (p.46) Mouse was mostly frustrated by their actions, but as a mature child she still accepted her underdevelopment, maybe she could not develop physically as fast as the others but mentally Mouse is very understanding and acceptant. At the end of The Wives of Bath Mouse is even more acceptant of herself, she showed major signs of growth and movement, she says that she is “mostly grown-up now” and that being “a girl is the most difficult thing on God’s green earth, it is not half bad once you get the hang of it.”(p.236) The Novel concludes with Mouse saying that they inspired her to be Mouse Bradford and that is how she intends to live, as herself and nobody else. Therefore, this portrays how far Mouse came from and how she grew up physically and because stronger

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