The Witness: A Brief Analysis Of The Film

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The Witness is based in the Pennsylvania countryside in 1984 where a mother, Rachel, and her son, Samuel, are morning the loss of their husband and father. This film follows the events that led Samuel to help detective John Book track down Officer McFee who committed a brutal murder that Samuel witnessed. This movie was nominated several times for the Best Screenplay and Best Film Editing. In this scene based on the screenplay, Samuel is in the bathroom of the train station where he witnesses the gruesome murder by Officer McFee. As outlined in the screenplay of this film, Samuel is sitting in the train station when he asks his mother, Rachel, if he can use the restroom. He begins walking away when Rachel calls after him and places his hat over his head. Later, the audience realizes that this cause almost got his killed by …show more content…

Samuel enters the restroom and sees a long row of urinals and stalls. He stops before one of the urinals, but makes his way to the last stall since the urinal was too high for him and was making an intimidating flushing sound. As he enters the stall, a heavily bearded teen enters the lavatory and places a notebook behind the towel dispense frantically and begins to wash this hands. Samuel cannot see any feet below his stall door; he believes that he is alone in the restroom. One African-American man in a three-piece suit, and a Caucasian male in designer jeans enter the room while the teen takes a quick glance at both men. Moments later, the two men attack the teen swiftly while bumping into Samuels stall. After they cut the teens neck, they remove the notebook from the towel dispenser and were about to leave until one of the men heard a sound. He checked the stalls again slowly kicking each one with a SR caliber revolver in hand. He slowly makes his way to

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