The Wife Of Bath's Tale Essay

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My first vacation out of the United States was to a resort in Cancun, Mexico. My family had just landed from a grueling connecting flight and we were all in foul moods. My brother, sister, and I were complaining about our legs being sore. While, my mom and dad were arguing about where to go. After the heated discussion, we found a bus that was going to the resort. My family and I gathered our luggage and packed it on the crowded charter. Unexpectedly, the most profound part of my trip was the short twenty minute ride to the resort. As soon as we left the airport, I was struck by the immediate poverty. The airport had shielded us from the most evident displays of impoverishment. One of the most striking instances was a naked woman bathing in a filthy river with an infant. I saw this no more than five minutes away from our resort which seemed unbelievable. Just looking out the window of the charter made my siblings and I quickly stop complaining about our legs. The short bus ride showed me the unfairness of the world. Why had I seemingly been given everything and this infant given nothing? This experience taught me gratitude at a young age. Just how I …show more content…

For example, “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” teaches about chivalry and inner beauty. The stories told during the pilgrimage summarize the lessons a person can learn while traveling. Just how “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” teaches of chivalry; traveling can teach the same lesson. There is no definition of chivalry that every culture can agree with. Each culture has different standards and customs which effect their idea of chivalry. Traveling exposes different people to different cultures where they can learn and draw from each other’s standards. This creates in a person new ideas of chivalry which they can implement in their own lifestyle. Traveling embraces being exposed to various cultures which can teach, much like a story, about a certain

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