The Westing Game Movie Vs Book

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“Object of the game:to win” (Raskin pg. 38). The Westing Game is about Sam Westings death. Mr. Westing wrote a will and also picked heirs to be in his game. Whoever wins gets a prize from him. To win you have to find all of the clues and put together to make a puzzle. The Westing Game book and movie contain many similarities and differences that are worth exploring. “Ahhhhh!” Turtle screams while spotting Sam Westing’s pale dead body in the Westing Mansion. The Westing Game is a murder and mystery throughout the movie and book. The Westing Game was created by a lonely man that is on the verge of dieing and looking for a smart, intelligent heir. In the end a witty, young girl named Turtle Wexler won it all. The film version and novel have many similarities and differences that lead to the main idea. …show more content…

For example, Turtle kicks people when she is mad or frustrated, Doug likes to run. Chris is a nice kid that has muscle dysfunction. Denton Deere is still a plastic surgeon, also Mr. Hoo runs the chinese restaurant. Judge Ford is smart and is a judge, Barney Northrup has inside information on every family. Crow is really nice and is Sam Westing's ex-wife, also Sam Westing is an old man who's a millionaire that lives in the Westing Mansion. Some events were when Angela had her bridal party, the bomb went off in a present that she got. Also Barney Northrup was Sam Westings disguise and Sandy was too! Turtle kicked Barney Northrup but Sandy had a bruise on his shin. The film version and novel have many differences in the Westing

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