The Well With Its Slightly Torn Metal Lidd

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For this close reading assignment I decided to analyze a passage on page 164. ”The Well, with its slightly torn metal lid, was filled with water to a level above eight feet. The neighbor’s plastic bucket lay at the foot of the silt around the mouth of the well. Boja’s body was floating atop the water, his clothes formed a parachute behind him, bloated like a full balloon. One of his eyes was open and could be seen beneath the surface of the clear water. The other was closed and swollen. His head was held half above the water, resting against the fading bricks of the well, while his light-skinned hands lingered on top of the water as though he was locked in an embrace with another who no one else but he could see.” When the family has just discovered …show more content…

The more times I read the passage, the more I realize that there really is more meaning in this passage than the description of Boja’s body in the well. For example even though there actually is a metal lid on the top of the well that is cracked, I think it is a metaphor that represents the family. When you think about it metal is a very strong material and is hard to break because at the atomic level its atoms are packed so close together and have such a strong bond between them. I think it represents the family. Before all of the madness the family has such a close bond and everyone has their place. When father leaves that crack starts to occur. It’s much like a windshield crack, one some pressure is applied and other outside forces are applied to that crack, then the crack starts to spread and before you know it catastrophic things that you thought could never happen have now occurred. As a unit the family is very strong but as individuals everyone is weaker than they would be with support. Another example of the author's clever choice of diction would be how he uses the word parachute to describe Boja’s shirt. He says that the back of his shirt looked like a parachute and parachutes are used to keep someone from hitting the ground to hard when they are being dropped from the sky. It is basically an external thing that keeps you safe. This “parachute” that Boja has can represent all of the …show more content…

For example when the author uses “mouth” to describe the opening of the well. This makes the well seem like it is almost a creature that is alive. This would make more sense because the well has swallowed and killed Boja, the Mother hawk, and the lizard. His word choice adds this superstitious animate feel to the well. This passage also talks about how there was silt on the very edge of the well. It’s like it was waiting to fall in. I looked up what silt was and it is dirt and people have big problems with dirt being in their wells because it can carry many germs and diseases which would be harmful to the people drinking the water. This brings up the theme of invasion. Once the dirt invades the well, then the well is no longer the same. The water will be forever murky or described and remembered as murky. Much like the image of the family to the people on the outside. They will forever remember this family as the family that was once perfect but is now almost like outcast because one brother killed another and that is a very taboo subject in society. They will now have a very distorted image according to the other people in the town. This can also be related to Adaku, the boys mom who is mentally invaded by insanity and her sense that there are spiders all over the place. When she comes back she isn’t the same because of all the things that she

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