The Watchman Style And The Legalistic Style Of Law Enforcement

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There are three styles of policing; the watchman style, the legalistic style, and the service style. The watchman style is mostly used in lower class communities; police officers intervene informally into the lives of the community residents to keep peace between them. The watchman style’s main concern is control of illegal and disturbing behavior. For example, this type of style is usually considered bias because of its way of working. It is crucial that police officers do not generate a concept prejudiced approach to any certain group or groups. The legalistic style includes hands-off approach to disruptive or problematic behavior that does not violate the criminal law. This type of style is stricter and enforces the precise letter of law enforcement. For example, someone who lives in …show more content…

It would have to be a huge crime in order for a police officer to stop a car or arrest a man.
Today, the best policing style would be the service style. This type of style aims to help anyone in the community who needs help. It is based on communities’ point of view and social connections. This style focuses more on felonies that disregard resident’s solitude and less on smaller crimes that make no sense like a ticket for going one above the speed limit. It serves the community’s members whenever they desire help like stopping theft and ending murders. This style is not strict on its people nor at enforcing laws. It is a more calm and easy going style of policing. The main idea of the service style of policing is to assist the society. Instead of a certain punishment, people can be assigned to have community service or go to a certain class like an alcoholic anonymous class, a drug treatment programs, or family counseling. It is more community activities based than strictly enforced laws and punishments. Police officers are more involved in the community and its people. They are well- known within the city. They know most people and where certain people live. With this

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