The Warsaw Ghetto Resistance

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A. Plan of Investigation The investigation explores why the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the most important ghetto resistance during the Holocaust. In order to analyze why the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was significant, research has to be done to study the elements of the Warsaw ghetto that made it successful. The main sources for this investigation are Ghetto Fights: Warsaw 1941-43 by Marek Edelman because it is a study to examine the political and ideological background of the Warsaw Rising and Daring to Resist: Jewish Defiance in the Holocaust by David Engel because it covers uprisings in other ghettos than in Warsaw. B. Summary of Evidence Approximately six million Jews were killed by the Nazi regime during the Holocaust. When Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30th, 1933 there were 566,000 Jewish people living in Germany. The first concentration camp, Dachau, was created on March 22, 1933. Other concentration camps to be created during this time include Buchenwald and Ravensbruck. The first people to be arrested were Communists, labor leaders, and Communists. From 1933-1938 Jews gradually have their rights stripped away beginning with not being able to own land to not being considered citizens according to the Nuremberg Race Laws. Attacks on Jewish businesses and synagogues began on November 9th, 1938 when over the course of two days over 7,000 Jewish businesses and 250 synagogues were destroyed by Germans. Also, Jews were arrested and killed while these tragedies occurred. This series of events is known as Kristallnacht. It marks the beginning of the extreme discrimination and eventually genocide of the Jewish population. Ghettos were enclosed city areas in which the Germans concentrated the Jewish population.... ... middle of paper ... ... David, Yitzchak Mais, and Eva Fogelman. Daring to Resist: Jewish Defiance in the Holocaust. New York: Museum of Jewish Heritage, 2007. Print. Gutman, Israel. The Jews of Warsaw, 1939-1943: Ghetto, Underground, Revolt. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1982. Print. Kondracki, Tadeusz. "The Warsaw Uprising." Http:// N.p., 1 Oct. 2001. Web. 6 Apr. 2014. Landau, Elaine. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. New York: New Discovery, 1992. Print. Mark, Bernard. Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. New York: Schocken, 1975. Print. Ney-Krwawicz, Marek. "The Polish Underground State and Home Army." Http:// N.p., 1 Oct. 2001. Web. 6 Apr. 2014. Ochayon, Sheryl. "Armed Resistance in the Ghettos: The Dilemma of Revolt." Armed Resistance in the Ghettos: The Dilemma of Revolt. The International School for Holocaust Studies, n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.

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