The Warriors Path Essay

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In the novel The Warriors Path by Louis L’amour is a book that contains action, adventure, and the mystery of the unknown world. The book takes place in the late 1400’s, when America was first discovered. The story of the Sacketts continues to prosper in the new world, this time with a new character to take the story’s place.
In the story, Kin Sackett, who is Jubal Sackett’s son, is a backwoodsman that has been living in the new world for many years. Kin Sackett is just as stubborn and tough as his father Jubal Sackett. Ever since he was a boy he has only seen the new world. He has never seen England, where Jubal had first come from.
The story starts out with Kin Sackett and his brother Yance Sackett living in the beautiful backwoods of the new world. Kin and his brother had set out on a hunt for good food and warm clothing. Kin had wanted to find a bear; the food from the bear would stock their food for a few more weeks. The hid from the bear would make great coats. As Kin was searching, he instead came upon a wounded Indian. Kin had stayed hidden since he didn’t know if the Indian was out hunting or running from something. Kin soon realized, as the Indian got closer, that he was hurt and in need of medical attention. The Indian had been shot …show more content…

Kin is still able to push on. Kin had found Joseph and he had a little girl. Joseph said he would kill her, but Kin’s speed had gotten them out of the situation and got on a boat to return home. The ship is attacked and there ship was badly damaged to the point of them having to land on an island. The ship is repaired and they sail back to their home. When they return home, Kin’s settlement is attacked by more of Joseph’s men. This time it was his right hand man who was leading the charge. The battle had continued on and on to the point to where it was just the both of Kin and Joseph’s right hand man. Both battle and Kin comes out

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