Parallel Loss of Humanity: Lord of the Flies and The Walking Dead

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Stories have a tendency to parallel each other and make a revelation about human nature. When comparing the book Lord of the Flies to the television show/comic series The Walking Dead, the reader can see how the ‘trapped’ characters progress in difficult situations. Lord of the Flies and The Walking Dead prove that hard times can change your beliefs and often causes people to lose their humanity. Looking closer, it is plain to see clear similarities between these two stories. These similarities even continue right down to the characters! I have found similarities between the characters Roger, from Lord of the Flies, and Shane, from The Walking Dead. Both Roger and Shane felt the pressure of the situations they were being thrown into; one being an apocalypse, and the other being stranded on an island. The pressure of their harsh situations caused Shane and Roger to lose their humanity, and eventually leading the characters to commit murder. Roger and Shane …show more content…

Looking at a side by side comparison of The Walking Dead and Lord of the Flies, you can connect the murders of two innocent characters. Shane, our example from The Walking Dead, was being surrounded by vicious zombies while out on a supply run with his friend, Otis. This fear of being trapped led Shane to shoot his ally in the leg; sacrificing Otis to the zombies, and in-turn saving his own life. The children of Lord of the Flies were deathly afraid of a fictional beast that the younger boys claimed to see earlier in the novel. One night, the children were having a bonfire of sorts, and they thought one of their own, a character named Simon, was the beast. The children attacked the ‘beast’ with their bare hands. Both Shane and the children’s fear of being trapped caused them to harm innocent characters. After comparing two typically unrelated stories, you notice many

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