The Use of ICT for Internal and External Communications of Business

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The Use of ICT for Internal and External Communications of Business

Businesses need to communicate with range of individuals and

organisations including their functional areas, their competitors,

suppliers and customers. If business needs to operate effectively they

need to have good communication. Information and communication

technology (ICT) has had a dramatic effect on the way communication

takes place in business. ICT has changed the means of communicating

within the business. Communication can be simply defined as the flow

of information from one person to another.

Levels of communication simply refer to the sending and receiving of

information at different points within an organisational structure.

The ability of the sender to explain a message and the receiver to

understand it are important in communication. If the message is

supposed to be sent out by certain date, but the sender simply asks

for as soon as possible, communication would not have been effective.

Some times if the person doesn’t understand what order to take,

incorrect goods may be sent due to lack of effective communication.

Research into nature of communications in organisations indicates it

is important to have both formal and informal communications.

Communications is replacing communication to ICT systems; ICT can be

used to share some information. Functional areas can also share their

information to other functional area. ICT incorporates the following

as mediums of communication:

EMAIL-with email sent through a service provider, the sender forwards

the document to the receiver’s email address, not directly to the

recipient. Anyone who is connected to the Internet and has a modern

can use email.

The advantages are

1) There is a permanent record that can be referred to later.

2) Messages can be sent and received rapidly

3) Can be copied for others.

4) Pictures or other attachments can be sent.

The disadvantages are:

1) People can read some private letters.

2) Takes time to produce

3) Messages may go onto another person

Sainsbury can use this method to email their customers.

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