Is Othello A Racist Text?

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Under this historical context William Shakespeare writes in 1603 his tragedy Othello: The Moor of Venice, the story of that general "with thick lips" who represents the other, different from the society of the time. One might ask: is Othello a racist text?

By Lucifer, they stole you! Get dressed, soon, for your honor!

They broke your heart! You have been half soul!

And now, at this moment, a black sheep

Is riding your white lamb. Above! Hey!

Top citizens! Play that bell! Get them out of your snoring!

The devil is going to make you grandfather!

Up, I tell you!

In this fragment, Iago uses resources like the animalización and the use of erotic language to put of relevance the savagery and the monstrous thing in Othello. These words provoked a choleric reaction in Desdemona's father, Brabancio, who asks how a girl "so gentle and so modest that only by looking at her she blushes" could "fall in love with whoever looks at her and horrify her" and assures that "no May otherwise err Nature that is neither blind nor meaningless, except for the action of the spells "because only then could his daughter be attracted to a barbarian. …show more content…

Rodrigo speaks of the "lascivious Moro" as "a homeless man with no roots and no homeland". From his perspective, then, to be a "Moor of Venice" is to represent a principle of wild disorder housed in the very heart of metropolitan civilization: a "civilized monster." Some critics further claim that the name Othello evokes the term "Ottoman", the name by which the Turkish empire was known, whom the English regarded as Moors and against whom Othello had to fight ( "Courageous Othello, it is necessary for you to go out - and With urgency - to combat the Ottoman ...

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