The Use Animals to Show the Main Themes in Of Mice and Men

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How does Steinbeck use animals to show the main themes in Of Mice and Men? This story is about two men (George and Lennie) and their desperate hope in that they will raise enough money so that they can purchase a plot of land and “live of the fatta the land”. In this essay I will discuss how Steinbeck uses animals to show the themes of, friendship/loneliness, anger/violence, cruelty/kindness and dreams. The main points that I will be discussing are, how Lennie connects with animals, how Steinbeck portrays loneliness through animals, how the American dream fuels and directs the story, how Crooks is treated like an animal and has animal instincts himself, how killing of animals foreshadows the story, how Steinbeck uses animals to symbolize or reflect different emotions the characters are experiencing and the way Lennie is killed at the end which summarises that Lennie connects with animals in the most devastating way. At the beginning of the story Lennie is drinking from the pool as though he is an animal. “Drank with big long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse”, this straight away reveals to us that Lennie has animal instincts. When Lennie and George arrive at the ranch, immediately Curley begins to show aggression towards Lennie as an animal would do to protect it’s territory, Curley tries to bait Lennie into having confrontation with him. This is the same technique people use to catch animals and that is exactly what Curley is trying to achieve with Lennie. An important style of how Steinbeck represents people and themes is through rabbits and example of this is, at the beginning of the story Lennie and George are fleeing from their home town. This is shown by the rabbits as they are flee... ... middle of paper ... ... of control animal. This is the last time Steinbeck compares Lennie to an animal and he does it is the most devastating and meaningful way. Steinbeck is an extremely thoughtful writer as he manages to apply the animals to show almost all the themes in “Of Mice and Men”. He has a key character that represents a animal in many ways (Lennie), he has people that are treated like animals, he shows how the American dream for ranch people is to have a farm with many animals, he lets the senses of the animals predict or illustrate and display emotions of the events that will occur or will have occurred, he makes the animals show foreshadowing and he shows how the animals were treated at the time. These are all the main points that I have discussed in this essay to answer the question “how does Steinbeck use animals to show the main themes in “Of Mice and Men?”.

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