The Unwanted Child Analysis

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The Unwanted Child Bradley and Alexis lived in a little culta-sac inside of a suburban town called Springsdale. The couple had been married for twelve years and had two children, a boy and a girl. Alexis was your average stay at home mom that took care of her home and was also a room-mother at her children's local school. Bradley worked hard to support his family and give them the best life that he could. The couple was very happy and living the American dream; nice house with the white picket fence, nice vehicles, and seemed to be madly in love with each other. What you see on the outside is not always what is taking place behind closed doors. The house next door had been for sale for awhile and was finally purchased by a husband and wife, Randy and Mary, who had been married for five years and also looked to be immensely happy with each other. They didn't have any children but had been trying for a short time. They were the only African American couple within the culta-sac so naturally that brought some doubt. They soon realized that wouldn't be an issue in this little suburban town. The neighbors all greeted them politely and before they knew it, they were being invited to neighborhood parties and making new friends. The two Mary was very upset, she had been trying to get pregnant for two years and was unable to conceive a child. She approached Randy with what Bradley had told her but to her surprise, he wasn't very upset about it, he had always wanted a child. Bradley decided to call Alexis' parents and inform them that she had the baby and he invited them over to welcome her and the baby home, knowing all along that this wouldn't end well. Alexis' parents were from an old country town that was very racist; her father still believed in slavery. Her parents agreed to come down and meet the new baby, not knowing anything about the

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