The Unusual Origins of the God, Dionysus

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Dionysus was one of the most popular deities of antiquity. Dionysus was a god of many roles; he was the god of wine, drugs, revelry, sex, completeness, theater, and lord of the dance of life.(Hamilton-1) He also represented the creative and destructive principals of life and in general, life itself. (Kristi-1) He was compared to and seen as somewhat of an equal to Zeus, who was the most prevalent and powerful of all the gods of antiquity. Although the time had long passed since Dionysus has been a major player in Western culture, he is still a huge part of our history. After all. only by looking at the societies and beliefs systems of our past, can we rightfully interpret certain areas of our present. (Gross and Grote-1)By looking at the deity Dionysus we can see that everything that he represented does not only belong to some random pagan culture of long ago, but does have relevance in Western society today. Dionysus, like Jim Morrison wanted us all to "break on through to the other side.  That is, not to remain constrained by the constructs that society has put upon us.
Dionysus wandered the world actively encouraging his cult. He was accompanied by the Maenads, wild women, flush with wine, shoulders draped with a fawn skin, carrying rods tipped with pine cones. (Kravits-1) While other gods had temples, the followers of Dionysus worshipped him in the woods. Here, they might go into mad states where they would rip apart and eat raw any animal they came upon. Dionysus was also one of the very few that was able to bring a dead person out of the underworld. (Kravits-2) Even though he had never seen Semele, he was concerned for her. Eventually he journeyed into the underworld to find her. He faced down Thanatos (Death) and brought h...

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...ghter of Cadmus and Harmonia. Zeus fell in love with Semele and consorted with her. But Hera was jealous, and in order to delude Semele, Hera took the shape of Beroe, Semele's nurse, and told Semele to ask Zeus to come to her as he comes to Hera, so that she would know what pleasure it is to sleep with a god. (Hamilton-2) At her suggestion Semele made this request to Zeus and was smitten by a thunderbolt. (Hamilton-3)
Dionysus was a very driven god who in the years of countless eras, have seen him as a roaming god of differing tastes. One with immense power and influence over men and the alike. “Raised from mortal babe, to God amongst men.” (Gross and Grote-4) He is, or was, a major influence on cultured society around the world and a symbol with differing status to different people. His role in Greek and Roman mythology is astounding in it's abundance and virility.

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