The Unhealthy Mood In The Most Dangerous Game, By Richard Connell

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Richard Connell, the author of ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ used both detail and characterization to reveal the eerie mood. The story is about a guy named Rainsford and General Zaroff, and Zaroff keeps good care of Rainsford for a day but the next day, he gets sent into the forest and General Zaroff goes out to hunt for Rainsford, but at last, the good wins, Rainsford. Rainsford is a gentleman who was on a yacht with the surrounding of,” The dank tropical night that was palpable as it’s thick warm blackness in upon the yacht.”(17) It was really dark and he cannot see anything but after a few moments he heard a gunshot from the dark cloudy place. He leaned over the rail in hope to get a clue of where the noise may have come from, but instead unfortunately

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