The Truman Show Argumentative Essay Doubt

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Argument Essay
Certainty is not a trait many people possess, because of the potentially negative consequences that can derive from a certainty of something. This consideration of the possible negative consequences, or consequences in general, is called doubt. Although the presence of doubt excludes the notion of certainty - rendering them never coexisting - doubt itself is required in order to achieve certainty. Many people find that the path to certainty requires doubt through their own experiences. For example, Galileo Galilei, now considered the father of modern science, was the first scientist to suggest that the earth was not the center of the universe- a fact had become common knowledge to man at the time. His doubt in a geocentric (earth …show more content…

It can be hard to do so. For example, The Truman Show featured a boy born into a fake world, where his town was the set of a TV show, his whole community was actors, and the sky was a plastic blue sheet. Truman, the star of the show, was the only one who didn’t know that he wasn’t in a real world. As the movie progresses, Truman begins to experience fairly strange things, such as an elevator that actually leads off of the set, a woman that attempts to explain to him the truth of his life, and cars that mysteriously block his path by knowing where he is at all times. Towards the end of the movie, Truman begins to piece together the truth and confronts his fear of the sea by sailing to the end of the set, hitting a wall with stairs that lead him straight to the film director’s office. Truman’s doubt in his own world - which challenged everything he believed to be true - caused him to realize that his life was all staged, and led him to the real world in the end. Although the movie was fiction, many of us experience these moments of “crossing the threshold” and coming to the realization that a theory we once had, maybe our world, wasn’t true. The doubt that leads us to expose fallacies in our own faiths drive us to discover and obtain a greater certainty in the truth we cross

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