The Tide Falls

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TPCASTT “The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Title Ponder the title before reading the poem. Make predictions. What will the poem likely be about? Are there any words in the title you need to look up? The poem will be likely about the ocean and how the tide decreases and increases from time to time. The title can easily pertain as a metaphor a comparison of the tides to people’s lives. Paraphrase Translate the poem into your own words. This is the plot of the poem. This is where you make sure you clearly understand the literal meaning of any unfamiliar words. The first verse began with the title. Followed by a description about twilight, how it gets dark. Then it goes how a bird squawks along the shore that is damp and brown. It looks like the bird is calling out for something or someone. In line four there is a traveler quickly walking on the shore, going to the town. Then the title gets repeated again. …show more content…

A description of the sea resurfaces again. This time the sea is in the dark, that can be easily interpreted to night. The sea is personified as it’s description in the poem “the sea in the darkness calls”. The poet is figuratively speaking. The stanza also talks about how the little waves remove the footprints of the man who is traveling. “The little waves, with their soft white hands.” personification. The title of the poem is repeated again in this stanza. The third stanza talks about dawn, it can easily symbolize the new beginning. Horses are also inputted in this stanza, same as the bird on the first stanza it seems like the horses are calling for something or

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