The Three Branches Of The American Government

919 Words2 Pages

Brice Doescher
July 19, 2017
Government Essay
The American government is a very intricate concept that was developed and evolved over the past centuries.The basis for the government we know today was molded by its previous successes and failures which have made it increasingly efficient over the decades. The main government is composed of three essential parts that make it extremely efficient and effective at governing a large developed country. These three parts are the judicial, executive, and legislative branch. Each specific branch specializes in one aspect of running our government and country. How does every branch support our huge country? Through a system of what's called checks and balances, where all three branches of America’s …show more content…

This branch is really just the President of the United States. This is an important person tasked with representing America as a whole, and is someone that holds the weight of America’s problems. The president has the difficult task of enacting and enforcing laws passed by congress. However, that does not mean the president is congress’s servant. He has the power to check unjust laws through his power to veto a bill. The president also is the commander in chief of America’s army. He can head a war, but congress’s approval is needed to actually declare war. This is such a powerful position, so it is imperative to not let the executive branch become a dictatorship, which is why a president is only allowed to serve two terms of 4 years each in office to prevent a long term ruler or dictator. Being the head of American society is indeed a powerful title and position, but what if something bad were to happen to the president? That is where the vice president comes in. Whoever that person may be will be on the sideline ready to come in if something were to happen to the leader of the executive branch. On a side note, when the vice president is not taking the president’s position he is the head of senate. The vice president plays a decisive role in stopping deadlock decisions. Through these powers, the executive branch forms to make another part of America’s …show more content…

This system is comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each has a diverse history that helped make the legislative branch that is known today. The Senate is comprised of comprised of 2 senators from each state that total 100 senators. The House of Representatives is a group of people that come from each state based on population, and together both groups come together to make congress. Congress has the power to make laws, check the power of the president, holds the sole power to declare war, etc. Congress can not be too powerful or that would ruin checks and balances, so each Senate and the House each has differing powers to make the collective power of congress. Senate can ratify treaties while the House is needed to ratify trade agreements. The Senate is also needed to impeach and official. It is with these various that the legislative branch makes ⅓ of America’s governing system. With all this power congress could make a lot of trouble without the executive branch to check

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