Character Development and Obligations in Literature

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Literature has always been very grasping to readers a reason why literature is grasping to many people is because of the way it mirrors the characters similar to the reader 's personality. When readers can relate to what the character is going through and what their feeling the author has done a good job in character development and telling a story. Two stories that are really good at relating and answer these two questions, Do character 's shoulder or dodge their obligations? What do their choices say about them? The two pieces of literature is the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and the article, Would Our Two New Lives Include a Third? Written by Ronda Kaysen. Then I will state about the controversial obligation that I feel …show more content…

The author finally has Mrs. Hutchinson speak up against the lottery but only because she is the one picked to be sacrificed, Mr Hutchinson states states in the story, "It isn 't fair, it isn 't right," Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her (Jackson 295). Mrs Hutchinson is an interesting character since she at first agreed on the lottery but when she became the person picked she started to protest because she didn 't want to die. She was dodging her obligation by following the crowd and on decided to speak up on the town’s crazy lottery system because she was the one person chosen to die. Mrs Hutchinson is a very hypocritical and tries to remain popular person, because she never speaks up until it was too late. This reflects on the way many people in our society act like today, they constantly follow the popular things even though they might actually not be the right thing to do. Many readers can see how this book about this twisted town represents some of the problem in our …show more content…

Reading is a great example of people dealing with hardships in engaging and relative to the readers. Two stories that are great examples of people dealing with obligations is Would Our Two New Lives Include a Third? Written by Ronda Kaysen. An article dealing with the obligation of raising a family and how to please a husband not looking at the big picture. And "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson a short story dealing with the issues of peer pressure and the obligation to go against the crowd. Both of these stories can relate to my on obligation that is effecting me, which is what I should the right career path for me to chose is if it 's majoring in political science or something diffrent entire. Obligations is something that humans can receive, it 's a type of task that when it 's done changes the person, the seeds are scattered around you just need to find

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