The Theme Of Equality 7-2521 In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Prometheus. The protector and benefactor of mankind. The one who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans. Equality 7-2521. A simple street sweeper who has a new vision of the human race. The one who reinvented electricity and wants to gift it to his brothers and brethren. Though one (Prometheus) has succeeded in being a benefactor, the latter has a burning passion to help his brothers. Both oppressed, both used; and yet the bravest. In her dystopian novella, Anthem, Ayn Rand illustrates that those who are the most used and oppressed are the bravest through the actions taken by Prometheus, the documents unearthed by Prometheus, and the spirit burning within Prometheus.
Firstly, as we follow Equality 7-2521 throughout the story, we hear …show more content…

We have followed Equality throughout his life; from the very beginning of his rebellious nature to the end. We followed him when he was an adolescent learning the basics, when he was put as a street sweeper, when he he fell utterly into a state of limerence for Liberty, when he testified against the Council, when he was lashed and whipped, and when he ran off to the Uncharted Forest. We saw it all. And now, we no longer know an Equality 7-2521 nor do we know a Liberty 3-5000. Now, they are Prometheus: a man who stole the light of the gods and gave it to men; and Gaea: a goddess “who was the mother of the Earth and of all the gods” (Rand 99). Prometheus’ future may be unclear and bleak, but he does know one thing. He will teach his son to be an individual man, a man who is bound to no ruler. Furthermore, the spirit burning within him will continue giving back to mankind for “[Prometheus] and [his] sons and [his] chosen friends shall build [their] new land and [their] new fort” (Rand 104). But, he will also continue working until “the day will come when [he] shall break all the chains of the earth, and raze the cities of the enslaved, and [his] home will become the capital of a world where each man will be free to exist for his own sake” (Rand 104). With this strong mindset and power that Prometheus feels, he has finally broken the chains that had …show more content…

Prometheus had been lashed and abused numerous times, yet he still dared to disobey. He broke the law; that is why he had been ill-treated and held as prisoner. And yet, he defied another law. Prometheus escaped the prison; he had now blatantly broken two laws. Prometheus continues challenging the Council, for now he had lost count of how many laws. Law by law, he continues to disobey. However, this has all been left behind once Prometheus had entered the Uncharted Forest with Gaea. From that point on, they have left behind their past society and the hardships that came with it. In a surprising turn of events, they stumbled upon a house and in that house contained sacred documents from the Unmentionable Times. Those documents, the scriptures that have contained the words “I” and not “We”, have begun a new era for Prometheus. By learning that the word “I” can give one such an identity and freedom, it felt liberating for Prometheus. He became stronger, bolder, and braver. For there is no longer an equal “We”, but an individual “I”. It is no longer “We think”, but rather “I think”. And for this, he wept. By unearthing this spectacular discovery, he continued to become empowered and spirited. He suddenly had a rush of adrenaline and wanted to preach about this wonderful concept

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