The Theme Of Betrayal In Le Morte D Arthur

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In the novel Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory many different engrossing themes are portrayed throughout each story. Betrayal is the main theme portrayed in nearly every story put into this novel. Although betrayal is more common between two people who are in a romantic relationship, which takes place in this story, betrayal can happen between friends, family, and even strangers. Betrayal is the worst thing that can happen to someone, it leads to even more problems because it ruins lives, causes loss of people you care for, and it causes rivalry. The main example of betrayal in the novel is portrayed by Queen Gwynevere who is cheating on her husband, King Arthur, with one of his very own Knights Sir Launcelot. Many nights are spent together …show more content…

In Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory, Sir Launcelot betrays his own king by having intimate relations with his wife, Queen Gwynevere, as well as kidnapping the Queen, and fighting a war against King Arthur. Sir Launcelot is arguably the one in the story who betrays King Arthur the most. When Launcelot is officially accused of treason along with the Queen, he kills many knights and takes the Queen with him. King Arthur and Launcelot are considered enemies by both sides due to Sir Launcelot’s betrayal of the whole kingdom. “Understand, Sir Launcelot, that I am your mortal enemy” (503 Malory). King Arthur has accepted that his most honorable knight has betrayed him which spirals into a divided kingdom as well a war. Betrayal can happen between all different kinds of people; friends, family, partners. Betrayal is the start to many situations and outcomes, it causes relationships to split, problems to arise, and pain to those around. Betrayal in the novel Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory is a strong example of these things. It contains betrayal between romantic partners, friends, and even family. As shown throughout this story, betrayal is the gateway to worse

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