The Tell Tale Heart and A Confession Found In A Prison In The Time Of Charles II

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Compare and Contrast The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe and A Confession Found In A Prison In The Time Of Charles II by Charles Dickens ==================================================================== We have looked at two different short stories by two different authors. The first story is called ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ by Edgar Allan Poe and the second is called ‘A Confession found in a prison in the time of Charles II’ by Charles Dickens. I have found out that that they both have a murder theme in common. There are also other similar themes between the two poems such as early confessions. The plot in ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ is about a mad man that has the motive to kill an old man because of the look of his eye. We know that the mad is mad because he says on a number of occasions that he is not ‘mad’. This repetitiveness shows some evidence of a degree of madness. He also claims to ‘love the old man’ and says that ‘he has never wronged me’ but still has every intension on killing him because his eye ‘resembled that of a vulture’. The idea of wanting to kill, a man because his eye is like that of a vulture’s eye, is not a plausible reason. This backs-up the idea that the author is mad. The man himself does not know where this idea came from, and I know this because he says ‘It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain. He also confesses early to what his intensions are for the murder which is an important point to consider when comparing the two stories. In ‘A Confession found in a prison in the time of Charles II’ there is also a motive to kill but it’s not an old man. The victim in this story is a young boy. The motive to kill is that he sees the boy’s mother in the eyes of th... ... middle of paper ... ...with nothing distinctively exiting about him. I also enjoyed the build up to murder more because there was a lot more tension and it was very exiting. The idea of an eye looking like a vulture’s eye as a motive for murder was interesting and quite amusing. Also in the story there were a lot of unexpected things that happened such as the lantern making a noise and waking the old man. These sorts of things along with a combination of other things made me want to read on. However, ‘A confession found in a prison in the time of Charles II’ did have good parts about it such as when the boy was followed down to the stream just before the murder and also the pregnancy at the beginning. The narrator was a bit boring so therefore not as good as the narrator in ‘The Tell-Tale Heart.’ On the whole I found it too long and difficult to read, understand and interpret.

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